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History and Start


Dead and dying coin/projects offered to us may no longer exist. We have co-opted the technology and knowledge of  them to the Collective named Global GreeN Elite Platform through the process of "assimilation". Reconstructing individual coins/projects into becoming Global GreeN Coin currently, later a different digital asset may be utilized.


"We are the Global GreeN Elite Platform. Your knowledge and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Solitude can be futile." It's a play on the fictitious and famous Borg, but we don't take any project or coin by force.

We allow integration by frustrated, exhausted investors and devs. We provide a method to pool our community and resources to move forward. Focus is on those projects chosen and offered to utilize their coin for swap, assimilating dying or dead coin/projects.


We chose to name it Global Green Elite Platform to honor our first coin utilized for swap, Global Green Coin and it's renewable aspiring properties. We advocate a unity to communities frustrated by stagnation or loss of interest by those who embarked on the block chain adventure of building a business around it, misguided by the thoughts of instant wealth gratification.

We take over and upon evaluating the viability of a presented project, we as a team first and at a later time community, will decide to either reboot a project/ coin or assimilate it into the Collective. Either way, the community involved will not be left behind. In this manner they will have a fully supported, active digital asset and a huge following of like minded people, who are collectively working towards the success of it and the platform.
This is what it means to be "Global GreeN Elite!"

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