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Global Green Objective

Writer's picture: PharaohPharaoh

This project and it's coin is the wave of the future. Our projected goal which will take us a little bit to accomplish is to reduce the footprint of our consumption and help our environment for generations to come. Most projects if you look at them objectively, try to solve an issue that's personal to everyone and not for the overall benefit. With the Global Green Objective we all can do our part to illicit change. The change for our habitat, for where we all live. Earth as a whole. By reducing our consumption blueprint utilizing Green Energy we help reduce the raw consumption of our Earth's resources. Which in turn helps our ecosystem. I will start sharing videos subject of green energy on our affiliates LockerRoom which is a media hub. The videos are not produced by us and can be found on YouTube, but what I post will hopefully bring awareness to this subject we are advocating for.

I encourage everyone to get in on the ground floor with a masternode or two. I'm not giving financial advice, but what I do voice is an encouragement to help us build the foundation of this revolutionary vision and project. This plan is only the beginning. I hope you join us on this journey.

---The Pharaoh

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