If it wasn't difficult enough to avoid the constant spam and 1 word fishing for tips, now it seems TradeSatoshi has upped their game to help thwart the common nuances and annoyances of the chatroom.
As of a couple of days ago in the last maintenance period for the exchange a new requirement was added that has drastically reduced the amount of chatter on the site. While i have been an advocate for the method of reducing the rhetoric, i am now unable to chat in and get the scoops of what is moving on the exchange anymore.
While it is a bit irritating I understand fully and in lieu of the recent exit from LionBit and the reported dumping, I do not blame them starting to tighten up their site.
I guess now the only method to talk to members will be via their discord. Still, although this little inconvenience has presented itself, it is a good place to trade those obscure and not so well known coins apart from the well known ones they do offer.
Oh I almost forgot to mention BTC withdraws are raised to .004 fee now instead of the .001 it used to be.
As of this posting.
BTC - Bitcoin - 0.00400000 - Normal
DOGE - Dogecoin - 10.00000000 - Normal
ETH - Ethereum - 0.01000000 - Normal
XMR - Monero - 0.01000000 - Normal